Truth Should Be Simple - Part 1
/“The difference between Stupidity and Genius is that Genius has its limits.” Albert Einstein
I’ve heard it said many times that Truth should be simple. Of course, many proponents of the particular Truths that I’ve been exposed to are already on their fifth book explaining their simple Truth, so I guess Truth is simple, but in order to explain that simplicity requires a lot of complexity.
With that in mind I’ll give my simple Truth up front and then the years of blogs down the road will be to show I how I got to that simple Truth. That way you’ll know where I’ll be going with my blog up front. And if you feel you’ve now reached Enlightenment because of exposure to this simple Truth, you can stop reading the blog after today. Fair enough. And have fun being Englightened. (Again, by the time I get done blogging this Truth may have changed.)
You’ve heard The Beatles song “All You Need Is Love,” well this is a take off on that:
“All I Am Is Light.”
An important note here: Before lunch with some close friends this had read “All I Am Is Love,” and I had written a bunch of stuff about Love to convey my understanding of this, but I realized on my drive home that Love was too limiting a concept. Light is a more encompassing phenomenon. (The exposition on Love will still be explored, but I’ve incorporated it now into this large perspective. Again, this is why this blog may not be written every day. First I need to write it out and then I need to check to see if what I’ve said actually feels true or not (See disclaimer above.). This may take a couple of hours or even days. If what I’ve written doesn’t resonate as true to myself, I’ll need to rescan my internal archives to find a more inclusive concept.) Let’s continue.
Light makes more sense since the process we’re pursuing is aptly called Enlightenment. Love is now just one quality of this concept I am calling Light. Light as I mean it includes the complete electromagnetic spectrum, anything that vibrates, as well as things that don’t seem to. It’s not actually truly describable. Light is the ultimate paradox. It is either a particle or a waveform depending on how it is observed and is actually both and neither at the same time. It is in essence the prime example of Duality?
“Does this Truth make sense?” I asked myself. And the answer is “Yes, it is actually observable.” For example, there are times when an athlete falls into the “zone.” Fans observe the individual in the “zone” as moving so much faster than everyone else around him / her, and yet from the perspective of the person in the “zone” time seems to have come to a standstill.
What’s happened? They’ve so released all constraints placed upon them by time and space and their perceived limitations on their physical-ness that for just a few moments this relaxation of Being causes such a dynamic shift in their frequency of vibration that they seem to be moving at light speed compared to everyone around them. And as Einstein predicts in his Theory of Relativity, the closer you get to the speed of light, the slower time becomes. It this instance only a small frequency shift toward light speed was necessary to cause the dramatic time shift observed. Have others observed this?
Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi in Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience identifies a self-surpassing dimension of human experience [the Zone] that is recognized by people the world over, regardless of culture, gender, race, or nationality. Its characteristics include deep concentration, highly efficient performance, emotional buoyancy, a heightened sense of mastery, a lack of self-consciousness, and self-transcendence.
With this in mind, for me, timelessness, or this Flow, is our natural state. I was born and lived from a sense of timelessness and Flow, there were only sensations of distress that we as adults would label as hunger, wet, need for physical contact, whatever. I didn’t think as a baby “Oh, I’m wet right now, where is that lowly butt-wiper that is supposed to keep me dry and clean.” No, there was just an unpleasant sensation that wished to be resolved so that Blissfulness could return. Turn on the water-works accompanied with a loud piercing, bone-jarring tone and, lo and behold, a loud clumping sound is heard hurriedly getting closer to me so as to return me to Bliss. Now that’s’ results.
It is the learning of time from those around me as I grew that caused my vibration to slow down to the point that I fell out of my natural state, my Flow, and lost my sense of Oceanic Bliss, timelessness, self-transcendence. I’ve now spent subsequent decades of my life after that loss trying to return to that Oceanic Bliss, thinking there was something wrong with me for losing it in the first place. I mean, all the meditation folks keep telling me I’m supposed to be experiencing Bliss, but it’s not happening. “What the hell’s going on here?” “Who the hell is talking inside my head?” “Why won’t they shut up?” “I guess I’m not there yet.” Lots more on this in the future.
So Light, in whatever form it deems necessary, seems to be the basic building block of my reality. It’s not possible to separate me from Light for to do so would cause me to cease to exist. I am energy and damn proud it. My wife, of course, would say the only energy I emit is methane. It’s just one form, but oh, so delightful.
To be continued…