Some Ramblings About President-Elect Trump
/Many things concern me about the recent election and President-Elect Trump. Here are two that I wish to bring forward at this time..
First, most people don’t understand the concept of projection as it is used in psychology. Those qualities and impulses that I deny within myself, I attribute to others making it seem that the qualities and impulses are actually arising in the other. Since most of these projections come from material buried deep within my unconscious I don’t ever realize they’re my issues. It’s all about the other and this can externalize as blame-shifting, victimization and bullying.
So, for example, someone holds deep anger within their Being, but it is not all right for them to express it or they don’t feel safe expressing it, so they project anger outwards from themselves. I walk into the room and unconsciously pick up their energetic anger and then proceed to get angry thinking that this is arising within me. “Why the Hell did I just get angry?” All of a sudden there are all sorts of violent thoughts running through my head that weren’t there prior to walking into the room, but somehow I relate these thoughts to the anger and think that it is all arising from within me. One person’s anger can affect my psychological well-being if I am unaware that it’s not mine.
Now imagine a political candidate, this candidate doesn’t have one person projecting their anger towards them, they have millions of projections and each anger projection has different thought forms associated with it. If the candidate is not capable of first, recognizing that they are the target of everyone’s projections and secondly, not having enough ego strength to withstand that amount of energy, their mind will be inundated with thoughts that are not their own, but they will think that they must respond to them because surely these must be my thoughts. This can be quite psychologically paralyzing and create huge amounts of confusion within the thinking processes.
The weak ego’ed candidate will not be able to maintain a stable stream of consciousness and will fluctuate what he says from day to day depending on the prevailing projection from the crowd that day. Sound familiar. President-Elect Trump consistently spoke to the crowd what they wanted to hear mainly because their thoughts we just spewing out of his mouth. Because President-Elect Trump has such a weak ego structure and sense of self, he has an inability to actually maintain the integrity of his message. Thoughts just spew from his mouth because his brain has been scrambled and a sense of mindlessness took over to relieve the psychological stress on the system.
Given too much stress the weak ego will eventually fracture and neurosis or psychosis will present itself. I think we’ve already seen signs of this: his inability to know what is real from fictitious coupled with pathologic lying; and his belief that he is the only one who can actually affect change in this country, who is the most temperate man in the world etc.
He is calm after the election storm because now instead of intense anger coming from half the country (his constituency) there is satisfaction and a sense of righteousness. The need to satisfy everyone is temporarily on hiatus. The other half of the country is scared and stunned and because this is not necessarily aimed at President-Elect Trump, there is no need for him to express those qualities at this time. However, their anger will soon be on the rise as they recover from the shock of the election, so I expect President-Elect Trump’s ego fragility will start fracturing again in the near future - shock that I felt as equivalent to that expressed by the country on 9/11.
However, now there is a new problem he has to deal with: the Archetype of a World Leader. Archetypes are collectedly inherited unconscious ideas, patterns, thoughts, images, etc. that are universally present in individual psyches. There are mom and dad archetypes, doctor and nurse archetypes, student and teacher archetypes, whatever; and when we step into a role as an individual we can actually draw about the collective history of that archetype and use it to inform us as we go about fulfilling that role. Each archetype has defining characteristics associated with it, so when we step into an archetype everything associated with it will come to bear on us. Our speech patterns will change, our body posture, our understandings, even the emotions associated with the archetype.
People don’t realize how much these archetypal energies affect our lives. For example, a man and woman are dating, so they can access the boyfriend and girlfriend archetypes as well as the concept of dating archetype. They have a wonderful relationship and never fight. As soon as they get married, they start fighting day and night. Part of what has happened is that they have discarded the boyfriend and girlfriend archetypes in favor of the husband, wife and marriage archetypes and because of the fragility of their ego structures, they are drawing on negative aspects of the archetype and using the models of their own parents to inform them how to behave as a married couple.
President-Elect Trump has gone from being a Political Candidate to being a President. The archetypal energies associated with this change may be overwhelming for someone with such a weak ego structure as himself. Because of the power behind such a position and associated with the archetype, the Bullying that President-Elect Trump uses for self-protection may now be amplified with the use of military force. The righteousness of the Bully’s mindset (also an archetypal energy) can easily justify war to protect what he thinks is the country’s lack of safety when in reality it is only his own.
In addition, instead of 120 million people (who voted) projecting their needs / likes and dislikes on him, there are now over 320 million people who are looking for him for decent leadership and for their protection. This amount of psychological projection can quickly fracture the weak ego leading to paranoia and psychosis. If President-Elect Trump has already lost as sense of what is real and what is unreal just from the electoral process, how will he fare when he’s actually in the White House? It’s not a coincidence that those who are elected to the presidency seem to age much more quickly. The stress is phenomenal and the holding of a country’s psyche is tremendously demanding - physically and psychologically. It takes a strong ego’ed individual to maintain his identity and composure under such duress. I sincerely hope that President-Elect Trump can step up to the plate in this regards.