The Predicament - Part 1
/Sorry about not posting yesterday, but I decided to move my blog to its own site off of my business’ site.
I like to start off with what’s going on internally. I had a friend comment that I should make sure to be loving to myself through this whole process, since I’m telling others to be loving. Trust me, I am. I am giving you the inner dialogue that occurs when I get activated, but I am not the thoughts. They are swirling around in there and I am watching them and treat them with care and appreciate how they have protected me all these years. Lots of love and gratitude to them. As for the secrets, it seems to be taking time for this first one to process. Lots of anxiety. Feels like I want to run to the hills. To put another one out there would be traumatizing and that goes against everything I am trying to do here. The processing must be organic and run its own course.
The Predicament
I love the Peruvian shamans’ experience of our multidimensional structure. They see us as a torus of light with the energy leaving the top of the head through the crown chakra, circling around to below our feet and then upward through our first chakra. They call this structure the Luminous Energy Field (LEF) and the chakras connect it to the physical body. And yes, the Peruvians do see a chakra system. For them, the chakras are energy centers that spin in a clockwise manner when functioning normally, and have a counter-clockwise spin when discharging energy from the LEF and body. Typically, the LEF is a beautiful rainbow of strands of energy that permeate and circumnavigate the whole torus.
Unfortunately, most humans do not have an LEF that is pure and clean, but riddled with knots of energy that warp and distort the flow of energy through and around the body. Why is that? Because, humans have never really had their central nervous systems / brains functioning in a balanced and synchronized manner, that is, the right and left side working in cooperation instead of competition or not at all.
The indigenous tribes were very right-brained with little desire to be analytical. They had oral traditions with little to no written language, no mathematics, though highly intuitive. There was a real connection to the planet and Nature. Their energies would have been considered to range from mainly feminine to possibly hyper-feminine.
Those in Western culture or that derived from the start of an agricultural society are very left-brained. Logic, reasoning, language, mathematics are typical of this use of the brain. Their energies would be consider masculine and to a large extent hyper-masculine which feels isolated from the world and sees everything as competition. Survival of the fittest and thoughts like that define the Westerner’s worldview. More on this when I speak about chakras and Maslov’s Need Heirarchy especially the second chakra.
So why is the West so dysfunctional? First off, because we really don’t know how to raise children. We don’t allow enough time for each stage of a child’s develop to mature before we force the child into adult patterns which their bodies aren’t yet capable of handling. This causes a severe short-circuiting of the body’s energetics which leads to trauma. This is especially noticeable around our emotions which for some reason are anathema in our society. This is our major dysfunction, we do not process emotions properly (a second chakra capacity) and therefore do not know how to release them from a system that was stunted in its development long before our capacity to actually handle emotions matured. This leads to needless disease and suffering.
Secondly, most of us raised in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s actually had to parent our parents because they were so fucked up. This pushed us into adulthood at the ages of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and we therefore lost out our childhoods – a time when play and exploration of our capacities should have been priority. And there are a lot of qualities of our essence they needed to develop at this time.
Ken Wilbur in his Integral View gives twenty-five or so streams or lines of development such as: cognition / thinking, morals, self-identity, psychosexuality, idea of the good, role taking, socio-economic capacity, creativity, altruism, care, openness, concern, religious faith, meditative states, communicative competence, modes of space and time, affect / emotion, death-seizure, needs, world views, mathematical competence, musical skills, kinesthetic, gender identity, defense mechanisms, interpersonal capacity and empathy.
A. H. Almaas gives a large list with his Diamond Approach: love, sweetness, warmth, friendliness, kindness, empathy, clarity, discernment, discrimination, intelligence, synthesis, will, steadfastness,, commitment, contact, personalness, humanness, gentleness, subtlety, refinement, openness, curious, happiness, enjoyment, exquisiteness, balance, courage, justice, detachment, objectivity, precision, spaciousness, expansion, depth, capacity, initiative, passion, fulfillment, satisfaction, contentment, nourishment, generosity even individuation, identity and existence.
Why have I shown so many of these qualities? To show that the shutting down of the open, free spirit of a child affects a large number of potentials and is not easily remedied by one-step, simple solution.
Now, these capacities and qualities do not just develop at a specific age and then stop growing. Once they come online, they continue to develop and mature throughout the lifetime of an individual. So some of these qualities may simply be “immature” due to lack of experience and not because of trauma and we will cycle around to a particular quality when the need for it to mature further presents itself.
However, to continue with the Predicament, many of these qualities actually do get aborted when we are very young by our training and enculturation. And this causes our LEF to lose its ability to circulate light and energy to its full capacity. And I’ll talk about what’s going on here in the next blog
To be continued…